What Makes DOH Lead Abatement A Necessity Today

This topic aims to prove why DOH lead violation removal is so important right now. Lead poisoning is a severe issue, particularly for young children. Based on the information gathered by the people at the Centers for Disease Control, more than half a million kids between one and five years of age have so much lead in their blood that it can affect their health. Even if you opt for treatment, lead poisoning will leave a permanent impact on a child’s normal development. A reason to worry Parents often worry about their babies gobbling up large chips of lead paint. However, experts believe that the smallest bits of lead dust are the most dangerous. Companies in North America haven’t been selling lead-based paint products since 1978, but it doesn’t mean that the country is free from lead paint. The walls and ceilings of many old homes have it. Inside these properties, tiny fragments of lead paint float through the air and accumulate on surfaces. In playgrounds Lead can be pr...