
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Necessity Of Asbestos Removal From Commercial And Residential Properties

The particles of asbestos may be microscopic, but the negative effects they have on the health of a person aren’t minute at all. The durability of the material is off the charts, and it’s surprisingly resistant to fire and other kinds of damage. It’s one of the main reasons why contractors used asbestos heavily back in the day for decades. This topic will educate you on why you must hire an asbestos removal company NY . Built before 1975 Building constructors used asbestos heavily from the early 1940s through the 1970s. If you reside in a house built during this period, there’s a high possibility that it has asbestos. It usually exists in places where you don’t think about looking. You may be aware of the fact that this substance was mostly used in blown-in attic insulation. However, old properties often have several other potential sources of this poisonous substance.   Ceiling constructed before 1978 The USA government banned the use of asbestos in manufacturing paint p...