Why Is Lead Paint Testing Necessary for Your Home?

If you live in a house that was constructed in the 1970s or before that, there are high chances that the wall paint contains lead. And lead can cause potential damage to your reproductive health, kidneys, and other parts of the body. So, it makes sense to opt for a lead-based paint inspection or lead paint testing . An inspection is essential to determine if your home contains lead-based paint. The on-site investigation will let you know if there is lead in your house. When do you know it is time to appoint a company for lead testing? You should have your place inspected if: · A family member has been diagnosed with lead poisoning. One of the most common sources of exposure to lead at home is deteriorating paint and the dust resulting from it. · You reside with your kids in an old house that was built decades ago. · You are concerned about lead exposure to ...